Thursday, November 27, 2008

Kang Rochman

You certainly knew who of Kang Rochman. The owner blog "KOLOM TUTORIAL", his name has joined in the heart of the community blogger indonesia Already many faces blog that became beautiful because of joining his tutorial, including me.

He always renewed the article blog belonging to him that aimed at giving knowledge to the community blogger

Not only the tutorial that was born from his imagination, many models template also was created for the community blogger. So, already appropriately as the community blogger was grateful to him. May Kang Rochman always be successful.


  1. Kang Rohman....i know him but he dont know me...hiks..hiks....

  2. kang rohman gmna kbarnya,,,?????
    aku bnyak blajar dari kolom tutorialnya akanng,

    salam buat anaknya
